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Selectmen's Minutes 11/16/2011
Minutes of Meeting – November 16, 2011; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  
Present:  J McNinch; D Roche; K Fowler; L Messana; D. Trancynger.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Gene Chague expressed his concerns about using Post Farm for solar.  He explained that the land was purchased back in 1969 for conservation and recreation use, and that state funds were used for the purchase.  Lisa Miras asked what was discussed at the 10/19 and 11/2 Executive Sessions.  The Board explained that those minutes cannot be released until the issued has been resolved but that the topic on 10/19 was to discuss possible litigation against the town and the topic on 11/2 was union contract negotiations.  Cynthia Wilde questioned what type of litigation was discussed during the Executive Session.    

MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of November 2 as presented. 5/0 vote.

MOTION by LM, seconded by KF to grant permission for the following organizations to hold craft fairs in Lilac Park on the following dates:  The Church on the Hill, July 28 and 29, Lenox Youth Basketball, TBD (August 11 and 12) and Lenox Children’s Center, August 25 and 26.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to approve a new 3-year contract with County Ambulance for para-medic service at a flat monthly rate of $4600, and to authorize the TM to sign same.  There are 18 calls per month on the average.  5/0 vote.

The TM gave an update on the solar project.  He explained that the two sites are the old landfill site at the end of Willow Creek Road and the Town-owned land around the waste water treatment plant.  There is also an option to expand the project to provide electricity to residents by having the landfill arrays spill over onto the Post Farm.  There will probably be some resistance, and fences would need to be installed around the panels.  MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to take Post Farm off the table.  4/1 vote with JM opposed.  DR suggested that an advisory group made up of Gene Chague, Neal Carpenter and Judy DiGrigoli be appointed to assist with this project.

Wind Energy Research Panel Update:  The committee has held two meetings and a site walk, and another meeting is scheduled for 11/17.  There is concern over the potential quality of life impacts the turbines could have on the closest residents and whether the economics work in the town’s favor among other issues.  A site visit to the Jiminy and Brodie wind projects is being planned.  It was suggested that the voters be given an opportunity to decide on wind and/or solar projects.

Marketing and Events Committee:  The committee held their first meeting, and a question was raised regarding business recruitment.  As part of the Phase VI work by Bodden Hamilton, they are suppose to work with local businesses to formulate a “Lenoxology means more business” program and integrate business recruitment initiatives into the overall Lenoxology campaign.  This last part goes beyond the charge for the committee as it is more than marketing and events.  Accordingly, it was suggested that the committee work on business recruitment only to the extent of guiding Bodden Hamilton’s efforts in building into the Lenoxology campaign a business enticement element.  Also, the Discover Lenox website should be launched by the end of the week.

The Board held a discussion regarding the Laurel Lake Association.  DT feels that it is not fair for a small private group to carry the full burden, and that the Town should have more involvement.  DR suggested involving the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.  It was agreed to contact ConCom regarding this matter, and to ask them to attend the next BOS meeting.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to grant permission for a temporary banner permit to Tanglewood/BSO at St. Ann’s for two weeks from July 1-14, 2012.  4/0 vote (DR had left the room during vote).  MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to approve temporary banners as presented to CVS for two weeks beginning January 15, 2012.  4/1 vote with LM opposed.  MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to appoint Paul Duma as a Relief FF/EMT.  5/0 vote.

The Board held a discussion regarding the overlook in Kennedy Park.  The Town received a letter from an attorney on behalf of a group demanding the monument to be removed by May 1, 2012, otherwise the group intends to file suit in court.  DR stated that we need to put this issue to rest, and feels that it should be put to a town meeting vote. Other Board members thought a town meeting vote would be a god idea as a way to resolve the situation.  Nancy Armstrong agreed.  She stated that mistakes were made, but it is time to move on. The Citizen’s Group also expressed concerns that the Lenox Conservation Commission could hold a fair and unbiased hearing on the project.   MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to request that the ConCom move the issue of the Scenic Mountain Act NOI along to the Department of Conservation and Recreation.  5/0 vote.  Sonya Bykofsky spoke about all the time she has put into working on this project, and that she would like to see the enforcing agency make a decision.  

Old/New Business:  KF brought up the need to have the final pieces of art removed from around the downtown area.  LM went through the employee anniversaries.  DR stated how nice the Veterans activities were around town.  MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to approve hiring Amy Lane to assist with training of the new accountant at a cost not to exceed $1000.  5/0 vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                       Board of Selectmen